Second Degree

21 Sep 2024

Meeting - September 2024

Submitted by Wayne Rumley
A sight to behold.

Back from recess with a bang. A double second-degree ceremony with great ritual from all involved, kicked off by Glen and Howell, the candidates, giving perfect answers to the questions put to them.  We also welcomed a joining member, David, who has recently moved to Sunderland.  He came along to our June meeting and enjoyed it so much he completed a form there and then.

50+ in attendance made up of over 30 of our own members and over 20 visitors, with the majority staying to dine.

14 Apr 2024

Meeting - April 2024

Submitted by Wayne Rumley
The WM, the APGM, plus others

As mentioned in our March update, we've been pretty active so far this year, and April was no exception.  Our Worshipful Master, Steve, was answering family duties and was on holiday, so our Immediate Past Master, Paul, took the Chair for the evening.  We were doing a double second, and fate dictated that one of the candidates was Anth, who Paul proposed into Freemasonry and initiated when he was the Worshipful Master way back in March of 2022.

25 Mar 2024

March Update

Submitted by Wayne Rumley
January's Meeting

Conscious that we haven't yet posted this year, rest assured we have been busy!

January was another Initiation.  We welcomed Brother Howell to the Lodge, He is pictured here with a number of our newer members (standing to the left of our Worshipful Master - the one with the Square on his collar for any non-masons on viewing).



15 May 2023

May Update

Submitted by Wayne Rumley
A visitor from overseas

We've had a very busy year so far. January's First Degree was accompanied by another First Degree in February, a Second Degree in March, a double Second Degree in April and another double Second Degree in May.  We're taking a break from ritual in June - you'll see why next month - and will be busy once more after our recess.

16 Mar 2020

Meeting - March 2020

Submitted by Wayne Rumley

A planned double-second but work commitments prevented one of our Entered Apprentices from being able to attend.  A single-second was the order of the day.

We were missing our Junior Deacon who was a little under the weather, but we had a fine stand in with one of our Past Masters, who performed the role perfectly, despite having no notice!

10 Jan 2020

Meeting - January 2020

Submitted by Wayne Rumley

Happy New Year!  As ever for us, new year and first full outing of the new team.  Nothing like putting them straight to the test, as we have done for the past few years, and this year we did it with a double-second.  It's incredible to think that it's the second double-second we've done in recent months, and we still have another four people to put through this ceremony!  We're planning on doing doubles for those, too.

For the first time in a little while we had a full complement of floor officers, and it was great to see them all perform admirably in their new positions.

12 Oct 2019

Meeting - October 2019

Submitted by Wayne Rumley

Well, after a run of seven straight initiations we simply had to start working through our backlog of ceremonies, especially as some of our newer members will be stepping on to the ladder in December.

Our nine Entered Apprentices have just been reduced to seven; we did a double second degree ceremony this month.  The first in a very long time - we've not had one since I've been a member, and I've been in almost 10 years!

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