Meeting - May 2018
Submitted by Wayne RumleyAnother good turnout of our brethren for what was a pleasant evening, not only with the weather, but with the atmosphere in and around the meeting.
We followed last month's second degree with another this month. Once again, it was clear that our recently made brother had put in a lot of effort to prepare for the ceremony. It's always a pleasing start to events when the candidate sets a good standard. Again, the officers performed admirably. Another one to be proud of, maintaining the high standards the lodge has been long since known for. Special mention once more to our guest ritualist of the night, WBro Richard Davison, PPGStwd, who delivered the Second Degree tracing board. He is already lined up for the next one.
Just the one fraternal visitor was able to make it, the Senior Deacon of Mowbray Lodge No. 5373. He may have been on his own, but he gave a good representation, all the same.
A lively festive board ensued, as did a lively bar room once the formalities of the evening were over! A great night.
It is a special occasion for us next month. We will be passing the Grandson of one of our Grand Lodge Officers. He was very recently initiated into Boswells Lodge in Essex, and they have kindly agreed to let him take his next step with us. It's also the evening of our annual 'curry night', when we abandon the regular festive board and head out to the local curry house. Sure to be another good one.
Until the next time.