Meeting - April 2024
Submitted by Wayne RumleyAs mentioned in our March update, we've been pretty active so far this year, and April was no exception. Our Worshipful Master, Steve, was answering family duties and was on holiday, so our Immediate Past Master, Paul, took the Chair for the evening. We were doing a double second, and fate dictated that one of the candidates was Anth, who Paul proposed into Freemasonry and initiated when he was the Worshipful Master way back in March of 2022. Anth works away now, hence the delay in him going through his second. Gary was the other candidate, and he joined far more recently, September of last year.
We also had the Assistant Provincial Grad Master for the North East area of the Province, Clinton Leeks, in attendance; his first official visit to the Lodge, and we're sure he was suitably impressed on the night, especially given the push for Durham Cornerstone within the Province and us having 18 of our own Light Blue in attendance, out of a total of 30, with 29 visitors boosting our numbers further.
Anth and Gary in the centre, with our other Light Blue members in attendance
After the Lodge was opened, Anth and Gary got the night off to a great start by giving perfect answers to the questions put to them, and every member of the Lodge can be proud of the very high standard of ritual that was delivered on the night, perhaps not word perfect on this occasion, but it wasn't far off! We pride ourselves on the quality of the work, and it was a delight to deliver, yet again, with so many eyes upon us.
A great Festive Board followed, and we feel sure that everyone went home with a smile on their face.
We still have 19 ceremonies to complete, which includes two new candidates waiting to join us, so we have guaranteed live ceremonies through to 2026 already, but we always welcome enquiries from potential new members. If you'd like to know more about Freemasonry, or us, get in touch.