Meeting - January 2020
Submitted by Wayne RumleyHappy New Year! As ever for us, new year and first full outing of the new team. Nothing like putting them straight to the test, as we have done for the past few years, and this year we did it with a double-second. It's incredible to think that it's the second double-second we've done in recent months, and we still have another four people to put through this ceremony! We're planning on doing doubles for those, too.
For the first time in a little while we had a full complement of floor officers, and it was great to see them all perform admirably in their new positions.
As for the candidates, Craig was initiated in January of 2019, so has waited a full 12 months to be passed, whilst Chris has waited almost as long, having been initiated in February last year. They have had plenty of time to prepare for this ceremony, and I'm pleased to report they both did themselves, and the lodge, proud. We look forward to seeing them progress further in due course.
Our official fraternal visitors were Phoenix Lodge No. 94, who brought a magnificent 11 members along, including their recently passed fellowcraft, and St. Peter's Lodge No. 8953, one of our daughter lodges.
A slight overrun on the ceremony as we had to invest some of the officers missing in December, and search high and low for a piece of equipment another lodge had 'helpfully' tidied away, but we had a great, albeit late, festive board. Plenty of visits for us to come this month, so it's sure to be a busy one.
We are taking a ceremony break next month. It is the 50th Anniversary of one of our elder statesmen, Bob Parsons, and we are righly dedicating the night to him. We are greatly looking forward to it.