Archived Articles

12 Oct 2019

Meeting - October 2019

Submitted by Wayne Rumley

Well, after a run of seven straight initiations we simply had to start working through our backlog of ceremonies, especially as some of our newer members will be stepping on to the ladder in December.

Our nine Entered Apprentices have just been reduced to seven; we did a double second degree ceremony this month.  The first in a very long time - we've not had one since I've been a member, and I've been in almost 10 years!

13 Sep 2019

Meeting - September 2019

Submitted by Wayne Rumley

We're back from recess and straight back to business.  Another initiation: A Magnificent Seven.  Every one of our meetings this year has been to introduce a new candidate to Freemasonry, and what a great bunch of guys they are, even if we do say so ourselves.

Anthony has been waiting in the wings for a little while, having first contacted us in October of last year.  As they say, patience is a virtue, both for him and for us, and we were very glad to finally be able to count him as a brother. 

6 Sep 2019

Discover Freemasonry

Submitted by Wayne Rumley
14 Jun 2019

Meeting - June 2019

Submitted by Wayne Rumley

Hit for six!  We have now completed the first half of the year, and have been very fortunate in being able to initiate a new candidate at every one of our meetings.

Another candidate from our website, this one approaching us having had a conversation with a family member who is a Freemason down in Brighton.  Suffice it to say, he came well recommended when due enquiries were made, and we were most pleased to welcome him to the Craft.   

12 Apr 2019

Meeting - April 2019

Submitted by Wayne Rumley

Another month, another meeting, another Initiation; four in a row!

This time around, the candidate was the father of one of our other recent initiates (October of last year).  To my recollection, it is the first time the proposer has himself still been an Entered Apprentice, and one of those rare occasions whereby a son introduces the father, rather than the other way around.  A number of changes to the Officers this month due to holidays and work commitments, including a stand-in Worshipful Master, but, I'm pleased to report we were still able to deliver a first-class ceremony. 

15 Mar 2019

Meeting - March 2019

Submitted by Wayne Rumley

Our latest regular meeting was held on 14th March.  The ceremony was another initiation; three in a row.

On this occasion, the candidate was a relative of the Worshipful Master, so, as well as being the candidate's Father's cousin, he's also now his Brother!  The candidate's actual brother, a member of a different lodge, was also in attendance to see him initiated. Once more, a great performance from all of the officers involved, with the candidate, again, conducted himself very well, too.  Another great addition to the lodge, I'm sure.

15 Feb 2019

Meeting - February 2019

Submitted by Wayne Rumley

On the evening of the 14th February, some of you may have been celebrating Valentine's Day.  We were celebrating Palatine's Day!

The ceremony was another initiation. The third new recruit from our website, and, we hope, another worthy addition to Freemasonry in general, and Palatine in particular.  A flawless performance from all of the officers involved, which drew well deserved praise from all of those in attendance to witness it.  The candidate conducted himself very well, too, and had a really good night.
